Wednesday, April 9, 2014

So Much Favor and Grace in the Midst of Hopelessness

Today I was at my amazing college library, here at Pratt, and just totally in awe. I love going there for inspiration. The architecture inspires me, not only of the building itself, but most especially the book shelves. The floors of each level are made of glass, the shelves are an old, rustic, dated yet fashionable wiry structure, and I find so much inspiration in the entire entity of books and glass. Let's just say I really love being in a giant, quiet building, breathing in the silence. Although I love NY SOOOO much- the noise, the bustle, the people- it's nice to get away and escape from the noise for a mere amount of valuable time. A niceness that allows you to think and be in a complete stillness, almost as if the world stops. 
So, let's actually get to the point of me writing this post, because I can talk about the beauty of Pratt for days. While I sat on my laptop( I didn't actually sit on it, I sat on a chair, surfing the web on my laptop. I also was not on a surf board), I just felt the Lord whisper in my ear the truth I knew about my heart, how I was feeling today, and his peace that can captivate anything going on- no matter how big or small- and what he was trying to show me due to my extreme dehydration today and the illness I felt from it:

Lord, you know the heart of a weary soul that feels like there is no end to this pain. The nail after nail of hopelessness rips through the flesh of a sovereign heart that lies desperately waiting for release, the kind that fills a soul from the bottom up and reminds it that there is such a thing as peace. The kind of peace that comes like a mighty river after a dry and desolate season of despair. I just feel so much love and understanding for those who are weak and hurting, especially who have been sick- now or for such a long while. No matter where you are in life, no matter what you're going through, remember that there is still hope. No matter what's happened to you or what will happen to you, everything happens for a reason, and God can use any situation in your life to impact people and create life change. He can give you hope in the hopelessness.

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